Thursday, 2 April 2015

Meeting Minutes by Catherine McGurk Tuesday 31st March 2015

Meeting Minutes 

Tuesday 31st March 2015 

Present: Catherine, Mike, Wayne, Bobbi, Phil, Kini and Tom

Absent: Fraaz and Cameron 

Start: 3:30pm 

Mike: Kini has spoken to me about the van hire

Kini: For 3 days Tues- Thurs it will be £76.00 plus a deposit of £250.00 

Cat: We also need to pay the rest of the money for the venue 

Tom: As only 7 of us turned up to the venue Kini and Phil will need to pay £55.56 each and the rest of the 7 pay £5.56 each as we had already paid £50.00 

Also equipment do we all pay together as a group or pay separately for what we get as I do not want people to get confused and say why did I have to pay more. 

Cat: I think we should pay separately then there is no confusion 

Kini and Tom: Get everyone to bring own equipment to college so it is easy for the van 

Cat: I just asked Phillip Newberry and he has agreed to man to food for us and dress smart and we will give him a bottle of wine to say thank you. 

Tom: Ok great. I have emailed Elena and so has Cat and I am a little worried as to her not replying in the emails as we need our questions answered and it is not good if we can not get hold of her. 

All: Asked and voted that Bobbi phones her as she has a polite phone voice

Bobbi: What do you want to do about wine?

Tom: Last year they had giant crates and was able to just pour the drinks out from them

Bobbi: Also we will need both red and white and will we need beer? If so I can get them on offer in Asda  

Kini: Get twiglets and finger food snacks 

Tom: Maybe we can get some balloons the float around the table 

Mike: I have a cosco card we could use for food and drink 
Drinks- Wine, orange juice, water, coke 

Tom: I spoke to Brendan the budget has been cut for funding but he will speak to us all as a group after Easter to see if he can help us a little 

Cat: Gave out the Recce, Floor Plan and Equipment price list 

Is everyone happy with the floor plan? 

All: Yes everything seems in order 

Cat: We will need signs on the wall to show where the toilet is too 

Tom: We will also place up signs for each area 

We need a list for food and drink

Rob: Can you send me the link to the blog

Cat: I think Fraaz is a little confused with the logo as he asked for pictures of everyone and he turned my face into a cookie we want our faces on a cookie. 

Kini: I can do it and talk to Fraaz and make characters of us then place us in a jar

Phil: Invites 

Tom: Elena said she was doing it but we can not get hold of her to find out as she will need a guest list and if not we will do it ourselves and invite guests for the first night and second night family and friends

Tom and Kini: We can ask Katie, Rob, Mathew, Brendan, David and Michael for industry invites

Bobbi: Showed an image of characters inside a jar as reference to Kini and rest of the group

Kini: Send it to me please

Tom: Invites if we do them our selves can be both e- invites and hand copies

Mike: Yeah do both

Tom: Ask second years in Prague as we can explain that if they go on to do the third year it would benefit them to come and see as we as a group did not see lasts years exhibition and were flying blind at first well not myself as I went but the rest of the group

Cat: Everyone should have a log book for comments on their work as questionnaires is more FDA material

Tom: For our group book I have created a front page (Cat asked to send it to her) 

Wayne: I have also created designs (Cat asked for him to send them to her) 

Tom: I would say the first and second night no kids aloud as we have expensive equipment which is our own and do not want anything wrecked or broken

Cat: College logo who will contact Kathy to find out if we can use the logo of the college?

Kini: I can and Kini took pictures of us all except for Fraaz and Cameron as they were absent 

Cat: Cameron sent me the Equipment price list which I had asked him to finish and send to me

Who wants to be in charge of contacting the paper? 

Tom: Give it to Cameron

Mike: During the Easter holidays once back from Prague I will visit the venue again as I would like to double check the Recce

Bobbi: I have black card to block the light from the windows 

Cat: Ok then maybe I can give you a list of questions Mike to ask Elena as we are unable to get hold of her

When will we go see Brendan as a group? 

Tom: The first day back after half term we will all go and see him and have a chat about the budget

Meeting ended at 4:12pm 

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