Wednesday, 29 April 2015

For the food and bar and photography by Catherine and Tom

For the food and bar and photography by Catherine 

For the food at the Exhibition we will have 2 6ft tables which will be placed on the top floor of the gallery. We have food signs saying Halal food and non Halal food as Fraaz only has Halal food and it is best to have signs over the food so there is no confusion. 

Myself and Bobbi will be collecting the food and drink the day before Exhibition. 

To man the food at the Exhibition we will have Phillip Newberry. Catherine arranged. 

For the bar Elena who is in charge of the gallery said her desk will turn into a bar which will be placed on the top floor in the alcove of the gallery.

To man the bar at the Exhibition we will have Tony Newberry. Tom arranged.

For Photography we have Rhys Howard who is apart of the Indecks company whom is supporting our Exhibition and the person from the Indecks company supporting us on the night will be Steven Upton. Alongside Tony and Phillip Newberry and Thomas Gill whom is also part of the company. 

They will be sponsoring our Exhibition which the logo is placed on the invite. Which Tom managed to arrange.

Catherine spoke to Cathy Walsh who is also sponsoring our Exhibition by allowing us to use the College Logo on the invite as well. 

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Total costings all together for the group by Catherine

Total costings 

Food and drink: £35.00 each x 9 = £315.00 

Table ware: £2.80 x 9 = £25.20

Badges: £2.20 x 9 = £19.80

Booklets: £13.00 x 9 = £117.00 

Posters: £1.70 x 9 = £15.30

Parking and Petrol for 3 cars: £6.70 x 9 = £60.30

Venue: £56.56 x 9 = £509.04

Table cloth for Mike, Cameron, Phil and Kini: £2.00 x 4 = £8.00

Total: = £1,069.64

Guest list contacts by Catherine, Phil and Bobbi

Guest list contacts 

Telephone contacts by Catherine 

Emails by Bobbi 

vahid *@*

Emails by Phil 

Updated Equipment list by Cameron

Updated Equipment list by Cameron

Meeting Minutes 24th April

Minutes  for meeting 24th April 2015

Attending meeting

Tom, Fraaz, Michael, Phil, Cameron, Bobbie, Kini

Kini taking minutes for this meeting.

Mike chairing.

Mike: First we should look into van hire what’s the latest? 

Kini: Well it’s going to be ten pound more so it’s eighty-seven pounds for the bigger van.

Bobbie: We will pay that on the day.

Kini: Yeah on the day it’s 87 pounds plus deposit of two hundred pounds.

Bobbie: Rob said we might need to use a bankcard for the deposit.

Mike: I don’t mind putting it on my card.

Tom: If you don’t mind, one person can do it on their card and get it all back when we return the van.  We put it on one card and the rest of us each pay for the eighty-seven pounds.

Tom: Yeah that seems ok.

Mike: Next on the list is invites.

Tom: Only done the front designs I know others have created some designs.

Kini: I’ve done the cookie jar picture.

Phil: I was thinking about actually inviting people.

Kini: Shall I talk to Matthew, I know him I can send him an email.

Mike: That’s good. When I get all the designs I will show them to Eleanor and she will decide what best.

Tom: Get the guest list finalized. What’s next?

Mike: Finished logo?

Tom: Fraaz has sent me details and I will use illustrator to create the design with vectors. The designs he sent me are great so they can give us a clear idea of the best one to use before I do the final one. 
Mike: Next are the tables, I’ve been told we are borrowing from the college; apparently they are six foot tables.

Cameron: That’s a long table. I will only need one.

Tom: To be honest when it comes to the tables the issue is if the skills show is going on the same week as the exhibition. This is where it’s a bit of a bummer; it’s the 13th that’s the Wednesday. So we would need the table to the end of the 13th. So if they given us the six-foot tables because they are using these ones for the skill show.  Also because of the Elections coming up there is a shortage of tables the best thing is to get the six foot ones.

Kini: Maybe we can put our preproduction on the rest of them along side the computers.

Tom: I think it’s ok more room is better than having less room, you can always find ways to fill it.

Mike: Final equipment list. Everyone needs to go through it.

Cameron:  The only thing I need to get is the three monitors we are sorting out the rest, getting our own splitters headphones, tables coming from college.

Mike:  Wayne is getting a projector he’s getting a frame and is using his own tablet like Harry Potter with the pictures come to life. The equipment, I’m taking lap top, I’m borrowing a tv, HDMI cables, extension leads. 

Tom: I suggest everyone makes a list of what you are bringing, so we don’t lose stuff and know what’s what.

Cameron:  What’s happening on the first day is Phil coming round everyone’s house?

Tom: The van is from Romford, right?

Kini: Yes, best to meet here at college.

Cameron: I’m going straight thereit’s easier.

Mike: Does anyone want a spare HDMI cables.

Kini: Cameron you’re getting the monitors so I need to check what they need.

Cameron:  Yeah, I’ll take a look.

Bobbie:  Extension leads, she said we may need some.

Mike: What I could do is bring my surge protector it has many plug sockets.

Kini: Cable ties as well.

Tom: We will need them for health and safety.  With the lighting it’s good we can change the lighting if we need to adjust it.  There is not too much light to disturb the screens.

Rob: Do you need any partition boards?

Tom:  We are not going to need that any more.

Bobbie: Duck tape, cell-a-tape.

Tom: I would suggest we don’t use tape as it would wreck the walls.

Kini: Blue tack.

Cameron: White tack she said.

Tom: How are we getting the black card?

Mike: From Hobbie Craft.

Tom: We need to discuss the posters.

Mike: That’s next on the agenda. We need people to see what going on as soon as they enter.

Bobbie:  We can put flyers on lampposts.

Tom: I just want to say about the event, we have two volunteers to help us out Phil Newberry, and Tony Newberry who are serving the food and drinks.  We need to make sure that they ask for ID and need to keep an eye on anyone trying to get drinks if they are not old enough.

Tom: Is the first day private?

Mike:  We said that the first day is private, and the second public.  

Tom: I’m getting a booklet together with all our details, people can also have business cards the booklet will have a range of details about our social networks and contacts.

Mike: Food, Cat decided to bring enough food to feed an army. 

Bobbie:  It comes to around thirty-five pound each.

Tom: We would rather have more than less.

Bobbie and Cat could go in the morning, maybe pick the food and drink.

Bobbie: Cat sorted all the cups and plates out.

Rob: We can’t give out names and addresses of the students what I can do is circulate your details through Katie and have your details passed on.

Mike: Posters may need to be printed.

Bobbie: You can print them here.

Rob: I suggest you contact Pete and Leigh on putting a number up on a sheet, then putting it through the computer, they may charge.

Mike: The book.

Tom: The books going well I need details from some still, I need website addresses, your details, who you are and photos of yourselves.

Mike : Yesterday Cat spoke to Eleanor about the tables, we will need about ten or eleven.  Ok that it for now.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Food and Drink by Catherine and Bobbi

Food list 


1.       Asda Bourbon creams 3 for £1 (x6) = £2.00 
2.       Asda Jam and creams 2 for £1.20 (x4) = £2.40 
3.       Asda Custard cream 3 for £1 (x6) = £2.00 
4.       Asda Nice biscuits 3 for £1 (x6) = £2.00 
5.       Asda Digestives 3 for £1 (x6) = £2.00 
6.       Asda Ginger nuts 3 for £1 (x3) = £1.00 
7.       Asda Shortcake 3 for £1 (x6) = £2.00
8.      Asda Rich tea fingers 3 for £1 (x6) = £2.00
9.   Asda Jaffa cakes 2 for £1.20 (x6) = £3.60 
10.   Asda Cookies (x8) = £5.60 
11.   Asda Chocolate digestives 2 for £1.20 (x6) = £3.60

Crisps/ snacks

12.   Asda wiggles cheese puffs (x2) = £1.58
13.   Asda onion rings (x2) = £1.58
14.   Asda salt and vinegar sticks (x2) = £1.58
15.   Asda cheese savouries (x6) = £4.74)
16.   Asda salted peanuts Large bags (x1) = £2.78
17.     Jacob Twiglets originals (x6) = £7.50
18.   Celebration (x4) = £12.00


19.   Asda pork sausage rolls 12 pack (x12) = £24.00
20. Asda cocktail sausages Large (x8) = £24.00
21. Asda three cheese and onion quiche (x6) = £6.00
22.   Asda mini savory eggs (x10) = £10.00


23.    Asda fruit and barley orange no added sugar (x2) = £2.67
24.   Asda Large still water (x3) = £3.30
25.   Pepsi (x12) =£11.76
26.  Le solei medium Sweet Perry boxed white wine (x3) = £13.41
27.   Three mills rose wine (x8) = £20.00
28.  Dreamtime Ridge Australian white wine (x5) = £17.50
29.  Dreamtime Ridge Australian Red wine (x2) = £7.00
30.   Jack Daniels old no.7 Tennessee whiskey cola (x4) = £7.40

Table ware

31.   Asda cling film 30 m (x1) = £1.00


32.   Wonderful roasted salted xxl Pistachios (x2) = £3.50
33. Cofresh Balto mix (x2) = £1.50
34. Kolakchilli and lemon flavour potato crisps (x2) = £2.00
36. Cofresh cheese and onion flavour potato grills (x2) = £1.00
37. Cofresh salted cassava chips (x2) = £2.00
38.   Cofresh savoury jeera para (x2) = £1.96
39. Evim mini frank furter mini sosis (x1) = £2.78

Savings £8.12

Total = £221.24

Split by 9 people = £35.00 (per person) In case offers change and if we need extra items 

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Signs for the Exhibition by Catherine McGurk

Signs for the Exhibition 

Tables, Chairs and Things to be brought to the Gallery on the day - By Catherine McGurk

Tables and Chairs - By Catherine McGurk 

I emailed Cathy Walsh to ask if we could use the college logo and also to ask if we could borrow 15 tables from the college. Cathy Walsh agreed to both the logo and the tables, the emails are shown in the blog. 

I was forwarded to Brian Foulkes whom is in charge of the furniture and liaised with him on the tables and he was happy to let us have the tables for the selected dates. 

Brian had spoken with Elena the manager of Camden Image Gallery to which Elena phoned me to ask if we really needed 15 tables as they are 6ft long. I was unaware of them being 6ft as I did ask for 4ft so we managed to bring to number of tables down to 10 tables and the table at the gallery for the bar. Also Elena mentioned we could use the plinths as she has 6 all together. 

As for the chairs we will need 2-3 chairs incase any of the guests are disabled and need to sit down, Elena has 8 chairs we can use.

Bobbi will be bringing the black paper to place of the windows to block out the light. Bobbi will also be supplying the badges too.
A projector for Fraaz 

Myself I will be bringing the Signs for the Gallery, Plastic cups, Napkins and the Food Platters. 

Tom will be bringing the Booklets 

Cameron will be bringing the Monitors 

Wayne, Kini and Bobbi will be bringing the posters 

Food will be taken to the Gallery on the day by myself and Bobbi 

Phil will be driving the van with Bobbi driving Phil to the hire place to collect the van and to take the van back. 

Mike will bring the Recce 

Cameron will bring the Equipment list which is what everyone will be taking to the Gallery. 

Phillip will provide the Guest list 

Phillip will also be bringing the Music for the Exhibition to be played in the background as a bit of noise which will not interferon with guests speaking and also listening to animations via earphones. 

The Group Logo By Tom Gill and the Badge Designs by Bobbi Towlson Sunday 24th April 2015

The Group Logo By Tom Gill and the Badge Designs by Bobbi Towlson 

Designed by Tom Gill 

Designed by Bobbi Towlson 

1st design 

2nd design 

3rd design 

Final Designs of the badges 

Friday, 24 April 2015

Costings for everyone in the group 24th April 2015 by Catherine McGurk


Van hire 

£87.00 - For two days

£200.00 - Deposit 



Venue hire 

£55.56 each



Table ware



White tack


= £13.00

You will need to buy own headphones, HDMI cables and earphone splitters online 

(You will need to order them online now to make sure you get them by exhibition please don't forget).

Earphones -£1.56 each 

HDMI Cables - £1.32

Earphone Splitters - 71p

List of costings for the group to pay


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- £13.00
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food -£35.00
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- Paid in full 
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £66.60


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- Paid in full
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food - Paid in full 
Bobbi- Badges - Paid in full 
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £19.20


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- £13.00
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food -£35.00
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £69.40


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- £13.00
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food -£35.00
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £69.40


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- Paid in full
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food - Paid in full 
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £21.40


Mike- Venue- £5.56
Mike- Booklets- £13.00
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food -£35.00
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £74.96


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- £13.00
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food -£35.00
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £69.40


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- £13.00
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food -£35.00
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £69.40


Mike- Venue- Paid in full
Mike- Booklets- Paid £10.00 Need to pay £3.00 
Bobbi- Posters- £1.70
Bobbi- Van hire- £9.70
Bobbi - Food -Paid in full 
Bobbi- Badges - £2.20
Cat- Table ware- £2.80
Bobbi- Petrol and Parking - £5.00

Total = £24.40

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Booklet Design by Thomas Gill

I have spent some time today making some detailed designs for the booklet and have come up with the front cover, introduction and a template for everyone bio section.

When I was thinking about the design aspect of the booklet, I wanted to give an impression of an expensive box of cookies. The font has been chosen to match it being expensive and fancy, and by combining it with standard text it then becomes a lot easier to read.

The idea for the bios is for everyone that has one of these or looks at it, can then understand a bit about us, it will also be a means to contact us as well through social media, we will also all put our websites on there for people to look at too.

I wanted to make this very professional, and interesting so that when people see it they will want to read it.

Amended Recce By Michael Treadway

Amended Recce By Michael Treadway